General Surgery OPD resumed at MDMI

General Surgery OPD resumed at MDMI

In response to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, most governments and professional bodies recommended cancellation of elective surgery. The main elective treatments and procedures at the MDMI was also temporarily suspended as a similar approach. The staff and...
MDMI Nutrition Program resumed

MDMI Nutrition Program resumed

The Midland Doctors in association with the Mac Bevan Trust and the Angus Lawson Memorial Trust has been screening the children of the remote villages for the occurrence of Severe Acute Malnutrition which is commonly prevalent in these poverty stricken areas of the...
231 patients treated in July 2020

231 patients treated in July 2020

Midland Doctors Medical Institute has provided charitable healthcare to over 230 patients including adults and pediatric cases through the appointment based Outpatient Clinic. The general activities of the hospital are now initiated but following strict Standard...