Dr Umar Khan, International expert, Consultant Intensive Care from Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi visited the Midland Doctors Medical Institute on 3rd July 2020. He also visited governmental institutions like CMH and AIMS representing Midland Doctors and advised regarding COVID-19 ICU response. On the left one can see the training is recorded. This is then uploaded for doctors across the world to view up-to-date information with regards COVID-19.
Dr. Umar Khan has been treating COVID-19 patients at the Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi as a front-line consultant and he has taken the first available opportunity to fly back to his home country to contribute to the COVID-19 response. He was enthusiastic about the Midland Doctors Virtual Support being provided to many ICUs across the nation. The Virtual support has led to Midland Doctors joining hands with the National Disaster Management team in organizing the medical advice and training to the facilities in remote areas to enable to handle COVID-19 patients. The Midland Doctors continue to serve the people of Muzaffarabad with Virtual Support and with Appointment based medical treatment as well.
The Midland Doctors facilitated his visits to the other medical facilities that were providing COVID -19 respone to the population of the region. The main facilities that are equipped with Isolation wards and Intensive Care Units included the AIMS and the CMH hospitals in Muzaffarabad.
The Midland Doctors will be working in close coordination to support the patients in the catchment area as the we strive to give quality standardized healthcare to the deserving on a charitable basis.