Eye Camp 2014

I sat last night with Dr Javed to go through the reports of the ongoing work and I was overcome with emotion on what we are achieving on a day to day basis. Dr Hameed, with the kind donation from a local businessman, arranged to treat 400 patients over two days. We...

Fluoroscopy Installation

You click on You can see the hospital via the Google Satellite! Work continues in the hospital with important investigative instruments being installed to allow intricate surgery. Here you can see the Fluoroscopy Installation which will allow real-time imaging...

Drip stand ingenuity

We had sent a number of drip stands to the hospital but unfortunately they had their bases missing. They were originally designed such that they could be fixed to beds and not be free-wheeling. Our team on the ground has managed to get the wheel bases done for the...

X-Ray screens on the move

City Hospital Nottingham donates two X-ray screens with the help of Phil Worville from Phillips. The Midland Doctors Hospital patients will be X-rayed in complete safety. The screens will be carefully packaged up and sent to the hospital to add to our fantastic x-ray...