Midland Doctors Association UK is a 0% administration charitable organisation; all the members of our team from book keeping to website design have given their time and skills free of charge. Every penny we raise goes directly to our causes thanks to the hard work by everyone involved. A gift of time is as valuable to us as hard cash; Midland Doctors welcomes individuals or organisations that can offer us a little of their time and experience in any field.
If you think you can help us and the causes we support with your time and skills, please contact us.
Giving your Time to Midland Doctors
How can I help Midland Doctors®?
We are always in need of donations to help run our charity hospital in Muzaffarabad whilst also participating in many other charitable projects across the world. Of course, not all contributions are monetary. Your time and effort to help fundraise, manage and drive our organisation forward will always be welcomed and appreciated!