Mr Tanweer Arif

Tanweer Arif is an IT Consultant by profession with specialism in Cyber Security and Information governance. Tanweer has a vast amount of experience of the healthcare industry. He has had lead roles in commissioning services and delivering multi million pound projects. He has been involved in the strategic planning and implementation of many projects in his 25+ year experience in the healthcare sector.

Tanweer has been involved with Midlands Doctors® since 2009. His journey with the charity has grown from strength to strength and he has been a dedicated volunteer since the opening of the Midland Doctors Medical Institute, Tandali. He has been of significant help to Midland Doctors® by visiting Muzaffarabad to set up the PACS system, software and server, helping bring the UK standard of IT capability to our charity hospital Kashmir. This is the first PACS system to be deployed in Azad Kashmir and the 4th PACS installation in the whole of Pakistan. The PACS system will allow radiologists and other clinicians based in the UK or anywhere in the world to access the system remotely, review patient data and provide advice and guidance to the local clinicians based at the hospital.

Midland Doctors® are pleased to have Tanweer as a new member of the board of trustees. He brings decades of leadership in key areas, such as project management, and a unique IT focused knowledge base and skill set which was previously missing from the committee.

How can I help Midland Doctors®?

We are always in need of donations to help run our charity hospital in Muzaffarabad whilst also participating in many other charitable projects across the world. Of course, not all contributions are monetary. Your time and effort to help fundraise, manage and drive our organisation forward will always be welcomed and appreciated!
