With lack of any healthcare facility in the region, it was evident that for the survival of the community, a new charitable hospital must be built with a structure to withstand any future calamity.
The executive committee of Midland Doctors® set out with a vision, diligently fundraising to build a world-class medical facility for people who had lost loved ones, their homes, their livelihoods and any access to basic healthcare. The committee approached individuals, friends, family, small organisations and larger corporations whilst also holding numerous fundraising events to collect the funds needed for the colossal project they were about to embark on. The trustees of Midland Doctors® were fully aware that the kind-hearted, compassionate people in the UK, USA, UAE and Canada had donated generously, entrusting their money to a cause which at the time was merely words on a paper proposed by a group of doctors who had witnessed heart-breaking devastation.
Although medical by profession, there was still a steep learning curve involved in building a hospital. The nature of the project was primarily architectural and required an immense amount of knowledge and research to ensure the correct vendors were hired, the proper materials were used and the money raised was expended as efficiently and effectively as possible.
First, the foundations of the building had to be laid. It was then time for the colossal steel erection to form. It was without a doubt that the steel costs were the most expensive part of the build, but for our building to be able to withstand a 9.0 Richter Scale earthquake, this aspect was of paramount importance to us. Once the steel construction, walls, pillars, etc. had been completed, the huge arduous task of tiling the roofs commenced to ensure the building was water tight to start the huge task of the internal fit out. The red roof tiles used make the hospital a prominent land mark and noticeable from a distance and above (Google Maps!).
Once the building was water tight, the mammoth task of making the internal part of the building to resemble a hospital began. The walls, floors, waiting rooms, facility rooms, operating theatres were all transformed into a facility that we would expect to find in the UK. This is where the trustees’ true medical skills and expertise came into practice; with their knowledge and experience of what essential equipment is required to make sure that the hospital is a fully functional facility. In 2013, the hospital was inaugurated, after 8 years of diligence and assiduousness, and has seen new departments form to deliver healthcare of unique specialisations to the people of Kashmir. We thank our supporters for assisting Midland Doctors®, giving us the generous donations which have allowed us to create a state-of-the-art facility which provides high-quality healthcare of international standards to the poor with the belief that all of humanity deserve the best of healthcare, even if they are unable to afford it.
How can I help Midland Doctors®?
We are always in need of donations to help run our charity hospital in Muzaffarabad whilst also participating in many other charitable projects across the world. Of course, not all contributions are monetary. Your time and effort to help fundraise, manage and drive our organisation forward will always be welcomed and appreciated!