Dear Supporter
The Muzaffarbad Charity hospital projected which has been backed from many in the UK, Kuwait, UAE, Dubai, India, Pakistan and recently Canada is undergoing a critical stage. Funds are needed to help focus efforts so that the front of the hospital can be completed and treatment started by early 2011. Medical experts from the UK National Health Service have pledged their time to help train doctors and pass on necessary skills that will benefit the medical community of Pakistan itself.
We ask your help this year with fundraising. Please remember that donations made are eligible for UK Gift Aid and are also Zakaat compliant.
In the pictures below (live from the ground today 17/04/2010) show the hospital shell being built. The team have progressed from the foundation stage and now the skeleton framework is being constructed. As soon as is possible the focus of construction will be to have the front section of the hospital completed so that treatments can begin.
The price we have had to pay for running the project independent of anyone is delay and red tape. However, as you can see, we are now past that stage and importantly, we have saved thousands from undertaking and managing the construction stage ourselves.
Midland Doctors UK are committed to this project and are being given vital support from Nottingham, Derby, Birmingham, Luton, Stoke, Manchester as well as many other organisations. Please support our visits to your city, the dates are below
12th June 2010 Derby event Ajaz to lead.
19th June 2010 Luton event Dr Asrar to lead
10th July 2010 Nottingham event Shafqat to lead
17th July 2010 Stoke event Rahim to lead
Thank you so much indeed
Dr Iftikhar, Consultant Surgeon Royal Derby Hospitals NHS Trust
Chair, MDAUK